Antonia Zimmermann
My name is Antonia Zimmermann (*1984) and I was born in Vienna into a wine-making family. Since my childhood, I have always been excited and eager to meet new people, to connect, never timid to reach out and with a strong hunger and curiosity towards life. Being always awake and curious, I remember having had a strong calling to help others and create a loving atmosphere around me since my early age — however I was not sure in what form to express this potential.
Therefore, in my early 20's I did not know better than following my rationality and listening to external influences that led me across several commercial occupations. This was not always a pleasant journey as I was not in alignment with my true self. With some detours on the way, my life brought me to a moment of realization at the age of 29.
Through extensive traveling, experiencing music, self-reflection, romantic heart-breaks and eventual healing, I was able to reconnect with who I am as a person and what my intrinsic purpose of life is.
Herewith, the most wonderful and exciting part of my journey began — I fell in love with the art of knowing oneself and eventually I found my inner peace. This is exactly what I wish to share with fellow human beings.
My desire is to support people in reconnecting with their true selves, releasing self-limiting beliefs, encouraging self-empowerment, as well as inspiring a confident and joyful approach towards life.
Through various concepts, such as guided meditations, visualizations, inner child, mirrow and shadow work, I aim to realign people with the best versions of themselves, living unconditionally from the heart.
“We are all just walking each other home.”
- Ram Dass